In case you have bought a web hosting package and you have some inquiries concerning a specific function/feature, or if you have stumbled upon a certain problem and you need support, you should be able to get in touch with the respective client care team. All web hosting companies deploy a ticketing system irrespective of whether they provide other methods of contacting them along with it or not, because the fastest way to handle an issue most often is to submit a ticket. This kind of communication makes the replies exchanged by both sides simple to track and permits the client care staff members to escalate the problem in the event that, for example, an admin needs to become involved. Usually, the ticketing system is not directly connected to the hosting space and is part of the billing account, which implies that you will have to use at least 2 separate accounts to contact the client support team and to actually administer the hosting space. Constantly switching from one account to another might sometimes be a nuisance, not to mention the fact that it requires lots of time for the vast majority of web hosting companies to respond to ticket requests.

Integrated Ticketing System in Website Hosting

In contrast to what you may find with lots of other web hosting providers, the trouble ticket system that we are using with our Linux website hosting packages is an indivisible part of the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which is included with all hosting accounts. You will not need to memorize several usernames and passwords, as you’ll be able to manage both your tickets and the hosting account itself from one location. So, if you’ve got an enquiry or run into a difficulty, you can touch base with our client care team straight away. Our system offers an intelligent search option. This implies that even in case you’ve opened heaps of tickets over the years, you will be able to track down the one that you need easily. Besides, you can read knowledge base instructions for handling commonly faced predicaments.